Well what started out as simple 'border run' to get our required 30 day exit and entry stamp for our 6 month multi-entry visa for Mozambique (yea don't ask) turned into a 14 hour day in 3 countries. We left first thing with our company driver to make it into S Africa and visit Kruger Game Park for the day. Unfortunately when we arrived at the border there were over 100 cars and total chaos also trying to cross. So after 40 minutes we bailed not wanting to risk the LONG wait and chance for Pranvera not to be let in due to her passport and visa issues.
So after another 2 hour drive we made it to the Swaziland border for plan B. Mind you all this driving and waiting we a VERY patient 2 year old. But somehow this time we got hassled for Pranvera's passport not having a visa (which we didn't need last month). But we finally pleaded our way in to then drive another 2 hours (were told it would only be 1) to make it to Bushfire Festival, which is a regionally known weekend music festival that the entire expat community from Maputo converges upon. Although we only had a couple hours there before having to make a long 4 hour trip back, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
Nothing is too easy out here but sometimes worth the wait (or sometimes not...)

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