Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Visit from Aunt Stacey

Nothing like coming back from vacation to have another one right in your home. We were blessed to have my sister join us for the past 2 weeks for Camp Stacey as Adi is out of school, camp, vacation etc for Aug. As you can see we made our way out and about but most was quality time at home and in the (leaky) pool. We spent a day at the new waterpark which was the best I have ever been to and less than an hour away and cheap by any standards. We spent another outing in Peja at the waterfall and fish farm and concluded with an early bday celebration for Stacey. We love you and will miss you!!


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Holiday in Antalya Turkey

Well against our intuition, we decided to try an all-inclusive family resort in Turkey for our summer holiday. These package deals are quite popular in Kosovo and include everything from the direct charter flights and ground transport to the cocktails on the beach to the afternoon chocolate waffles to the mini-golf to the professional nightly evening shows. We could drop the kids off at the kids center for participation in a full activity schedule or access to video games and movies giving mom and dad some alone time to exercise or chill on the beach. Unfortunately Rea and Adi weren't to keen on us 'dumping them' so we only did a couple times.

Otherwise it was a constant battle between our desire to swim in the sea and play in the sand vs run around the crazy water park with all the noise and craziness associated with it. But bottom line there was literally something for everyone and we had some wonderful family time as a much needed break from an intense (political) work time for Pranvera, allot of business travel and back to back contracts for Todd, end of summer camp for Adi and Rea just going to her awesome daycare each day and having intellectual conversations with us.

Meals were certainly a crazy time with more food than you can imagine but with the buffet style and 4 of us the first 20 minutes were spent finding a table, getting drinks and then deciding what everyone will actually eat. Fortunately they have 3 a-la-cart restaurants that were peaceful with good food that you could reserve a spot the day before. Even though each day melted into the next with us never leaving the campus, there was a different theater show each night (Mexican dancers, Mongolian acrobats, Disney show, hip hop dance etc) and the kids mini-disco dance party to keep us entertained and all collapsing into bed in a nicely air conditioned 2 bedroom place. It was very humid with the European heatwave keeping each day around 100 but had a couple nights were I didn't drip sitting outside with my cocktail.

All and all it was a great holiday with wonderful memories and some nice tans to show for it.

 4 massive pools to choose from.

  Adi's new friend Oliver who Rea fell in love with.

 Buffet style breakfast.

 Main street shopping in the resort.

 One of the many water play places.

 Who said 11:30 is too early for cocktails? Kids in the activity center;-)

 Playing around the resort.

 Preparing for sunset and dinner.

 One of the many thousand water slide exits,

 Happy Hour at the 18+bar and beach area (where did we leave the kids???)

 Yep, where we spent most our time. Did I say we had to reserve seats with our towels by 8am to get a spot?

 Remembered to get one nice family photo.

 The princess.
 One of the rare calm dinners at the Turkish restaurant.

 Waterfront rooms (maybe next time).

 Yep, Adi and daddy rocked the waves.

 Our 7 year old.

 Big girl on a big slide.

 Another quick drink moment.

 One of Elsa's helpers during the Frozen musical performance.


 Resorts line the coast as far as the eye can see.

 Big girl with floaties.

 Adi racing to find his friends.

Rea in the amusement park heli.