Friday, June 20, 2008

A Night at the Luna Park

I must say I am falling in love with the life of a married man and my new family. A Friday night of heading to Pranvera's house and playing with the kids is more appealing than hitting any clubs or bars with friends. And especially since we will not be in Kosovo all that much longer it is really important for us to spend as much time with my new family. And where to better do it than at the Luna Park? The semi-permanent kids park built at the bottom of Pranvera's hill has only about 10 rides but enough to keep the kids coming back. And I just needed an excuse to go there and play myself. I figured our nieces and nephews were that excuse.

The Bad ride was just that. Except after the first 3 minutes I was getting graphic images of the spinning cart hurtling off into the cow pasture next door. It just spun and spun and spun. I guess I am not like I was 10 years ago insisting to repeat every insane ride. I was ready to get off this one and kept screaming to Rron when it would stop and he said he didn't know with a big smile. I swear it was the longest ride I had ever been on. All I could do once I stumbled off the machine was grab onto Pranvera and hold her tight till the earth stopped moving. About 10 minutes later I was ready to graduate to the bumper cars with Jeta. Much more my pace and funny enough, most people actually seemed to drive around avoiding one another. Whereas I was out for blood to get Rron back for having me on the first ride so we had plenty of fun bumping into one another.

And then there was Dumbo for Jeta. It was fun to watch her just spin around and around. Until the rain (almost daily now) came and chased us back home. But not before grabbing some ice cream and returning for a home-cooked meal to just hang with the rest of the family.

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