Family Walk to the Waterfall and Becoming a Godfather

As life has returned to 'normal' I am becoming more integrated into the family unit. We had a wonderful outing with Pranvera's two older nieces and mom as we day-tripped out towards an smaller city in the countryside, Gjakove where her Aunt lives. Since along the way are the Minusha waterfalls I have heard about since I arrived in Kosovo, we decided to stop and take a look. Much more of an adventure than expected. Not only was it about a half-hour of wandering dirt roads and trails to find the place, but they were much bigger and more beautiful than I ever expected.

Although the girls didn't seem like they are up for much outdoor adventure, we had a nice time none the less and I enjoyed spending more time getting to know them, speaking English and Albanian and just spending time with her mom who enjoys our company. Unfortunately we were able to eventually locate the falls by following the booming base beat of competing stereos ready to blow their sub-woofer entertaining all the graduating students that were already partying mid-day at the 2 new illegal cafes built right at the pool. All the sudden most of the natural beauty disappeared.

Since their are 3 cascading pools we plan to return with our suits to hike up higher for a more secluded picnic, swim and outdoor adventure. After our several hour stop we continued onto have a family gathering and nice lunch with her mom's sisters large family. Before I realized it I was surrounded by 14 women with only one of her Aunt's son returning from his work to bring in his son who I was asked to be a god-father for. The ceremony was quick as they slide a gold ring over a lock of hair and I cut it...But the boy seeing a foreigner with scissors was enough to send him running so he wasn't too keen on the whole idea. None the less I was honored since it means they want the boy to grow up like me. I guess he is already starting out in my footsteps since he had 1 earring in the same ear:-)
After stuffing ourselves for hours with a nice cafe afterward, we ventured back to Pristina in a soft warm rain. As usual, the white knuckled drive was anything but relaxing. Arriving safely Pranvera and I hosted a sleep-over for the girls while they watch the Euro-vision finals (like American Idol) I made American spaghetti and treated them to my secret Oreo cookie stash (which they later found:-( It was nice to show them our apartment and have family 'over'. I sent them on their way Sunday after a full meal of American pancakes with real syrup (thanks little Sis) out on our balcony with a warm sun. Just another perfect family weekend...
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