Kosovo National Elections
Only in Kosovo would you have national elections whose main political parties have plastered every available outdoor space with photos of their leading 'image' candidates which include a former Prime Minister currently on trial in the Hague for war crimes, a dead man (former President Ragova) and a corrupt construction tycoon known for money laundering with Russia. Not to mention one of the candidates for Mayor of Pristina is a 33 year old Advertising Executive (someone I work with) who has never held a political position. And we wonder how this place will do as an 'independent state'???
There appear to be 4 or 5 political parties but only 2 real contenders being LDK and PDK. I believe the winning party from the November 17th elections will have to form a coalition government with one of the smaller parties that also receives a fair share of votes. It gets even better. No parties actually have any solid platform other than independence and all of their billboard adds have the American and EU flag in the background. Another famous pose is having the politician shaking the hand of someone important, including one with George Bush. A very clear sign that it is not what you know but who you know. The parties are also making just outrageous claims about no deficit, 24/7 power and water, elimination of corruption with absolutely not plan on how to achieve this. According to many of my local friends this election is nothing more than a reshuffling of the cards of those who already hold power.
Except there will be all new Ministries so any donor program will need to go resell their initiatives with the new government to make sure they are still in favor and will receive cooperation to actually help the local population. My favorite is the fact that the current party in power has let all the streets and the general infrastructure of Kosovo go to hell for the past 4 years but now with the elections around the corner, they have dug up almost every street and sidewalk to install new ones, many of which are just a massive mud mess and the quality of work ensures they will need repair after the upcoming harsh winter.
All of this expense and political rhetoric flies in the face of potential chaos and complete uncertainty about the state of independence, which the world expects will unravel on December 11th, the day after the Trioka (US, Russia, Germany) announces to the National Security Council that negotiations with Serbia have failed. It is rumored Kosovo will then declare its own independence and each nation will have to determine for itself whether it recognizes Kosovo or not. The real issue will remain with what Serbia decides to do. Everything from those living in the Serbian enclaves scattered throughout Kosovo to issues of trade, security, passports and anything else imaginable. Rumors about violence exist but in my opinion with 16,000 KFOR troops here, it will be minimal at best, most likely just minor protests.
So only time will tell but meanwhile all of us here must suffer looking at old, ugly men staring down at us from every billboard throughout the territory.
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