Wow, who would have thought I would ever live in a place where my answer to what are you doing this weekend is 'Going to hang out on the beaches in Greece'. Actually, if I said this I would have been lying. Although a new Belgium friend (Wilfried) and I did do the 7 hour drive from Pristina to this sleepy Greek village Toroni located on the 'second finger' in northern Greece, we certainly did not just hang out. Our long 3 day holiday weekend was booked full of more activity than I would have chosen for myself (if you all can believe this). Yes, I have met my match with a man who is not quite 50 but gave me a damn good run for my money in any activity we did. Take our early morning 48 kilometer mountain bike ride on the first day there. Or how about the 2 hour sea kayak we did late in the afternoon (only after I had taken a beach nap to muster up more strength to try and paddle my share). Or on day two where we simply hiked to the top of a mountain overlooking the incredible sea and villages. Or a killer top-spin thumping tennis match we did that afternoon at a 5 star resort hotel? Needless to say I needed a break after the weekend.
Although the activity was great it was more about everything in between our adrenaline injections. For example the whole trip package...I didn't have to plan a thing (which is an first). Wilfred has been in the region for about 5 years and has done this trip almost every other weekend while out here. And now I know why. It is a weekend get-away like no other. He stays at the same great hotel, eats at the same great restaurants and everyone knows him. Not to mention that for a long drive, it literally flew by. Without a doubt the fastest long trip I have ever taken. In his new BMW 5 series land rocket we hugged the curves like no ones business and passed cars on the straight away as if they were parked. Averaging 180 kilometers was a bit beyond my limit but I was relaxed knowing he could do the drive with his eyes close, I was surrounded by 8 airbags and the diplomatic plates ensured we would be left alone by the police. I have never traveled in such comfort nor may I again:-)
The water couldn't have been a more perfect temperature nor the scenery more serene and beautiful. I am not only referring only to the natural beauty but also the fact that most beaches in Greece are at least topless if not completely naked. And either riding or kayaking to a number of them you can definitely come across some small remote ones where the people you stumble across are as surprised as you are.
Before we collapsed into bed each night we 'hit the town'. The first night we met up with 6 other colleagues Wilfried knows from work or just met in the area during one of his many trips. We all went to an outdoor deck overlooking the ocean to enjoy platter after platter of seafood and great local wine and uzzo. Wonderful company and everyone from a different country. One of the beauties of this place. We even caught a late night drink (10pm) for a cool 7 euros a glass. Ouch. Certainly entered high season European prices vs. the 2 euro drinks Pristina provides. But then again I considered the 5 euro premium for the scenery to be well worth it.
We took some very nice long pauses inbetween our activities to eat great meals, enjoy an afternoon beer, lay on the beach reading and just talking. Since is was the first weekend of the summer the night life and crowded beaches we not yet to be but I was told it not only gets packed but pretty intensely hot. We had a wonderful breeze, cloudless skies while everywhere else in the region was getting pounded by several days of rain. Although the clouds rolled in the last day, the shade was much appreciated.
It was great to find a tennis equal out here. I have been playing again but with people who are just ok. Wilfred and I had each pounded back the hits for 10 ball rallies in some serious heat.
Although my shoulder has been hurting me again and holding me back, it was great fun none the less. And even more appreciated as we walked around the grounds of this 5 star resort to explore the private yacht marina, eight outdoor pools and private beaches. Grabbing a ice cold frappe was the perfect way to end the day.
With weekend options like this I am understanding more and more how you come across so many people who have been here over 3 years. It's like they work in Pristina but most folks head out to any one of a hundred awesome weekend destinations. And as the weather continues to bring on the full summer head, I plan to join friends (with cars) as often as possible to keep everything in balance.
wow - what a beautiful place. beats the hell out of the 'grand' hotel, right? i am jealous! ( of greece, that is ;) keep up the great 'work' !
Just a bit. Love the view from the Grand's windows though;-)
Greece looked fabulous. EastWest has given Declan a reprieve for a week to sightsee. We have decided to meet up in Milan and explore Tuscany the last week of July (my birthday is the 29th & it was the only free week I had). It is one of the places he can fly easily to from Skopje. Have you been there yet? Any tips?
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