Welcome to the interactive version of the Dirthead Diaries, live from Kosovo. For those of you new to the DH Diaries, they began back in 1998 during my one year of traveling throughout Southeast Asia. Back then they were rather lengthy, yet entertaining, email accounts of my trials and tribulations from living the life of a backpacker. Since then, anytime I have lived or traveled overseas for a sustained period of time (ie France, Jordan), I have continued the tradition of updating my friends and family on life abroad via the internet. At present, I am embarking on yet another adventure, this one scheduled to last at least 2 years while working for a USAID economic development project based in Pristina, Kosovo.
I hope you will enjoy the stories and photos I intend to update regularly as a means to not only record my upcoming adventures in the Balkans but also to keep in touch with all of you (so please register to post your comments). Stay tuned...
Hey Todd, best of luck and safe travels, mate!
have you arrived safe and sound? how is it there? so when are we going to Croatia???
Todd, I'm waiting to hear about the yoga classes you're offering to the locals! :) Be safe.
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