Sunday, March 14, 2021

Celebrating a Busy Start to 2021

Considering that most of the world is still in some form of lockdown or restricted movement, we have been very blessed to have had unusually warmer weather and many occasions to spend time with friends and family in Kosovo. Hard to believe that Pranvera and I are now both half century old but feeling as young as ever. The kids certainly keep us on our toes mentally and physically luckily attending school in person and having Cub Scout events ever several weeks to interact with kids outside their class and learn new exciting skills that should come in handy as Adi moves into the Boy Scouts of America program next year and Rea continues with Cub Scouts.

For those of you who don't know yet, we have decided to return to DC in July after 10 years living as Expats. I have gotten a new job as a Director with Land O'Lakes Venture 37 which is a small NGO working in livestock, dairy and crops mostly in Africa. With the challenges of a Covid world, I will be lucky to conduct most of my work remotely either from home or our DC office. Although this will be a huge adjustment, we are very excited to live near so many great friends again and to get the kids into the busy American lifestyle with countless options for activities, camps, travel, etc. as the vacinations roll-out and people can return to some semblance of normal. Pranvera will continue to consult and look for a local position where she can eventually go into an office and be part of a team advancing rule of law for development.
 We will be sad to leave family and the Balkans behind and we plan on doing/seeing as much as possible between now and then. But our trip to Turkey was cancelled and now Italy is in lockdown so we pray we can drive across to Montenegro for the kids' Spring Break and possibly hit the beaches in Albania one last time. We are so excited the US seems to be getting itself back on track in so many areas that will make coming 'home' that much easier. Till then, we send our love and well wishes to stay safe and sane!!

Daddy with a quiet 50 year celebration...
Todd's snowshoeing trip in Rugove Valley Kosovo
Scout meeting and games learning about first aid.
Hanging out around home. Winter inside and out.

Pack 2008 Adventure Sledding Trip to Boge.
 Visit with Pranvera's mom to castle in Novo Brdo.
50 and fabulous

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