Sunday, March 06, 2016

Todd's Birthday Celebration

Well it is true the older you get, the greater chance you have for actually forgetting what number it is. Pranvera and I had to briefly debate this and realized this makes us officially middle aged. As a dear friend just attested, it only means we can no longer say, "Well when I grow up...".

Pranvera arranged a surprise happy hour at our local favorite pub for some close friends and family. Was great and a simple quick break without the kids (as we celebrated at home earlier). But the real treat was her finding a family we could rent a very nice house from at our local mountain Brezovica only about an hour south of Pristina . Another family joined us whose son is a classmate of Adi's. Since Pranvera's job kept her in town till the next day, the kids and I had 5 days down in the fresh air and stove heated house. Ironically we went there to get several days of skiing and snow play in but the warm weather left no snow around the house and relatively little up on the mountain top. There was enough for a sledding afternoon but not enough to get ourselves up on the lifts only to avoid all the exposed rock, grass and very bad skiers.

The kids had plenty of playtime in and outside the house and we all cooked great meals including fresh fish caught just up the hill from us in the local river. Plenty of wine and time to laze around the house talking, reading, resting and watching movies. Disappointed to not get any boarding in for the third try in the last 2 years at our local mountain even though the last night we got 10cm of fresh snow a bus in the morning slid off the road blocking access to the mountain top for anyone wanting to ski the powder. Such is our luck. Till next year I guess since it seems like winter has almost already left us (really can't complain).

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