Sunday, April 20, 2014

 Week Two

As any parent knows, the immediate post delivery period disappears quickly into a time warp of lightness and darkness rather than hours, days, dates or weekends. And we are blessed to spend this wonderful adjustment period in a rented house in South Africa. All the modern conveniences of fully stocked super markets and convenience stores as well as doctors and pharmacies for all the post delivery visits and necessities make life much easier. Rea is growing quickly and finding a nice 3 hour feeding schedule allowing Pranvera some sleep or scheduled naptime. Adi has been an incredible big brother always wanting to hold, kiss or look at his baby sister. He especially loves the fact she 'brought' him a huge Lego airplane and a Leap Pad Adventure game. We are trying to enjoy all the 'firsts' with our new family with love and appreciation. Aunt Stacey has been an incredible asset allowing us a needed break or just making the day to day activities a little bit easier.

Our days have been mostly homebound but we are finding ourselves now out on short day adventures in the beautiful neighboring towns. We have also had several close friends from Maputo visit with us which was a fantastic break in our routine. We plan to stay for at least another week as we wait for Rea's US passport to arrive by DHL. We did a one day trip (8 hours driving) to the big city of JoBurg to apply at the Embassy and enjoyed a wonderful lunch at the Sandleton mega Mall.

Close friends Rita and Kevin (Leo and Bahia) visiting us for an overnight stay with BBQ, bonefire and smoores. 

And our first family outing in the local botanical gardens.

Just hanging at 'home'.

Getting ready for Easter

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