It was a long trip, and it took us (read me) three days to recover. Three flights, long layovers in various airports, an energetic toddler and the never failing issues with my passport made the trip exhausting but well worth it. We have very few pictures to show our adventures (my fault). Todd is usually the one taking all the beautiful pictures of our adventures, so i always forget the camera and if i remember to bring it, i manage to forget to even take it out of my bag. Promise more pictures in the future.
Anyhow Adi is enjoying his time with my two brothers and their kids, he is being pampered and being taken care of by everyone else. I dont even get to see him much. Which is great for me. They feed and change him, take him to the park and playground. He ocassionaly comes home asking for me just to make sure he still has at least one parent. Its summer here and we are truly enjoying our time. We will post more pictures in the future. Our schedules are full, visiting with friends, extended family, and acquintances.
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