Auntie Stacey saved us for our first week helping to prepare meals, clean, do groceries and play with him when mom and dad were dying for some nap time. Her sound machine made the loud late nights sleepable and she was always quick to help out with a change. With our small place it actually worked out quite well and we have been really enjoying all the visits from friends and family almost each day to meet our newest family addition. Cousin Rand and the girls paid one last New Years Day visit to open more Xmas presents from Haiti and to have more quality time with their new cousin. He so loves Sophia (11) and we have received a signed letter that she will be our on-call sitter when mom and dad are finally reading to venture out without him (hope within the first year ;-)

So I guess I have already become one of those dad's who can't get enough photos of his son and thinks he is the coolest best looking kid on the planet. Our second week has been full of exciting, new and often tiring surprises including projectile poop, discovery of arms and hands, sleeping with eyes slightly open, dream squeaks, and sudden outbursts with no clear reason in sight (yes we go through the 5 S's). But all and all we get through these rather quickly and he returns to his quiet or attentive self.

New Years Eve was VERY quite with us introducing Adrian to our very close friends Andrew and Emily and having them join us for a nice Thai take-out. Adrian is awesome with guests and will express his satisfaction usually with a very loud bowel movement. We put on our party hats and blew the horn and we rang in a perfect ending to an awesomely ever changing year and prospect for an even more enlightening one in the new decade.

We are starting to adventure more from the condo with Pranvera's c-section healing quite well. We have testing the baby bjorn and sling for short walks and will venture out today for the first time with stroller and car seat. He loves the wind and sun (not in his eyes) and can sometimes doze off so hard mommie gets paranoid in checking his breathing.
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