Springs (Late) Arrival in Kosovo
Almost! Kosovo is on the verge of exploding into lush green and dazzling colors. If it weren't for those chilled northern winds and the splattering of snow still atop the hills. No matter, my buddy Sander and I decided to stretch our legs for a couple hours east of Mitrovice with the beautiful rolling hills and valley's that cascaded all the way back to Pristina. I am always awe struck once you get away from the towns, trash and pollution at how beautiful the countryside remains. And one of the great benefits to hiking is that you can pretty much see exactly where you want to go and just head there. Even once in the forest there are always dirt roads or animal tracks that will eventually bring you back to a landmark to help you find your way back to the car.

Our timing couldn't have been more perfect either. As we traversed animal tracks and private fields to make it back to our car without walking on the road, we found an unused trail that lead us directly to the vehicle and we arrived exactly as small hail pellets rained down. Huh. Guess we need a couple more weeks before the t-shirts. Well exercised we decided to treat ourselves to the perfect 3 euro fresh trout lunch at a fish farm located right on the Ibri River. Although all the fresh air we had just snorted was immediately canceled by the non-stop chain smoking coming from all the tables we cowered in a corner with a fresh cold beer and our fantastic fish.
Seeing that this was a 3 day weekend for most, we opted to hike with Sander again on Sunday, but this time to the south near Brezovice where we snow-shoed before. The lower elevation valley was turning a nice shade of green but the higher elevations remained bar. Once we arrived at our targeted hiking spot we understood why. It was still darn chilly and actually began to snow on us. So we opted for a nice Machiatto in a wood cabin with stove to debate our next move.
Fortunately we were determined to stretch our legs so after several more hours of driving we found a very hilly, forested area Pranvera used to picnic and swim in as a little girl. Located West of Ferizaj towards Shtime, we parked the car and immediately ascended a track through private property that quickly delivered us atop the first field of wildflowers with incredible views and moments of brilliant sunshine. We just made our way from field to dirt road to trail wandering further up and away from civilization. To no surprise considering the amount of fighting from the war and abandoned damaged homes we came across, we also spotted an incredibly tasteless memorial among the ruins of ancient Turkish graves.
Seeing that this was a 3 day weekend for most, we opted to hike with Sander again on Sunday, but this time to the south near Brezovice where we snow-shoed before. The lower elevation valley was turning a nice shade of green but the higher elevations remained bar. Once we arrived at our targeted hiking spot we understood why. It was still darn chilly and actually began to snow on us. So we opted for a nice Machiatto in a wood cabin with stove to debate our next move.
Fortunately we were determined to stretch our legs so after several more hours of driving we found a very hilly, forested area Pranvera used to picnic and swim in as a little girl. Located West of Ferizaj towards Shtime, we parked the car and immediately ascended a track through private property that quickly delivered us atop the first field of wildflowers with incredible views and moments of brilliant sunshine. We just made our way from field to dirt road to trail wandering further up and away from civilization. To no surprise considering the amount of fighting from the war and abandoned damaged homes we came across, we also spotted an incredibly tasteless memorial among the ruins of ancient Turkish graves.

The scenery was so perfect with the flowers everywhere and the birds singing sweat songs that we couldn't resist the moment to get married on the spot. With a homemade princess crown Pranvera and I decided to forgo the formalities of a celebration and have Sander bless us with the power invested by the UN.

Kidding! The thought did cross our mind but what would a wedding be without all of you?? So we just continued on our way coming across one of the most special treats we have yet encountered. A couple local villagers doing some illegal logging with a very testy horse followed by a very frail and poor elder carrying his handmade sheep skin musical accordion. With Pranvera's native tongue ability she was able to coax him into providing us with the most memorable private concert we could have imaged (see video below).

Even the modern building structures in the villages remind you of a time almost forgotten and really made me appreciate the beauty and authenticity of a place I will always call my second home.

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