And I missed it, despite living and working out here (see other blog entry on Birthday). So I know about as much as the rest of you who may have seen any of the 7 hours of uninterrupted live CNN coverage of the signing of the declaration and the eruption of street celebration on Feb 17, 2008. However, the partying in reality began on Friday night and lasted till Monday. Millions of Albanians worldwide have been celebrating for the first time in world history that Kosovo is its own state. Although the exact fall-out with Serbia and the Serb minority has yet to been seen, everyone prays the transitions will happen peacefully since they are now inevitable and irreversible.

It has been nice to see and feel the celebration and pride that everyone has. Apparently every bar has been packed since Friday with all night dancing, drinking and smoking. With the -12C temperatures that hit Pristina for this joyous occasion, people were forced to seek temporary refuge in these warmer establishments. Whether it was the 20 meter cake that was prepared and inhaled, the waving of more American flags than I have ever seen in the US, or the random Albanian traditional dance moves that the youth seem to break into without notice, it continues to be a unique event in history to bear witness to (the birth of a new nation). Now I can say I work in the country (not territory) of Kosovo.

Pranvera and I did have the pleasure of seeing all the congratulations signs and flags being hung up in every town along the way both out and in of Macedonia, where we were for the celebrations. I must say it was neat the see Kosovo's new flag flying above the border crossing as we entered from Macedonia.

I'll keep you posted on the events as they continue to unfold and make history. And as they all say out here, Urime Pavaresia!
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