So I have had the past two weekends in Kosovo to pass the time away and do nothing too special. The thing about just letting a 'non-traveling' weekend unfold is that usually some fun random events arise or at the very least I get to spend time alone (in my great apartment) or with friends just going about the city. Since SO many people are traveling now every weekend to enjoy the summer destinations all within driving distance, Pristina feels kind of empty when you do stick around...
So this past weekend was primarily occupied with preparations for my beach party. I wanted to pay back for all the events I have been invited too and to share my new space and balconies with friends. Although there was a good turnout and a great deal of fun, most of my closer friends were already out of town. Now the interesting thing about planning for a party here is that the certain things we take for granite in the west pose certain challenges in Kosovo. For example, just buying any large bags of chips, veggies or other finger food for guests. Doesn't exist. Although you can buy a jar with 1 years supply of cheese you can't purchase a large bag of chips to feed a family. And then there is the issue about ice. You can't find it. Fortunately my buddy knows the one Ice Man in the city so he was able to get some homemade ice for our mixed drinks. And then there were the tikie torches we put on the balconies but were not able to find the fuel. Ironically I asked the beer guy who is across the street from me about it (just showing him the wick since there was no way I was explaining this in Albanian) and he sent his brother running to return with 3 litres of the gas. Got to love it. We also thought that was going to be WAY too much fuel but as it turned out we had to refill them at least once to keep them going because the wind. I also learned my lesson the hard way that the cross-draft of my apartment sucked in the 'ash' so my place had a nice black film over it the next day. Thank God for my killer cleaning lady.
I also had a new acquaintance staying at my place over the weekend so he could explore Pristina. I was great to have an extra arm (since mine is still bad) to carry everything up and to host the party. The baby pool with water and inflatables added a nice beach touch and people loved the place and just hung out mostly on the decks enjoying the wonderful cool evening air (which is pretty usual here apparently). For better or for worse I'll have to have another party since I have more drinks than when we began the party. Everyone here always comes bearing gifts. Enjoyed the mixture of local, international, work and sports related friends. Good music and fun conversations (forgot to take many photos as well.)
And the next day was even more relaxing as I went back up to the Danish KFOR base for that all you can eat imported brunch I had gone to a month back to stuff ourselves silly. And then afterward about 7 of us went back up to that huge lake to hang out with the local Serbs, avoid swimming in the trash on the shore (jumped over to get to the cool deeper parts) and I went for a short solo hike just to get the blood flowing. Tunes, fresh watermelon, perfect sun, and friends. Just hanging with no particular worry or agenda. Seems like were all on kinds of borrowed, vacation time till the new workweek starts or our assignments finish.

My big day this past week was my 1 day trip to Vienna for my shoulder. Crazy that to see a good doctor and get proper tests I must fly to another country. Scary thing about the experience this time is that other than the plane ticket (had to fly business since all economy are booked with the summer Diaspora returning to Kosovo) I had to put the medical expenses on my credit card. The insurance we have and medical evacuation I did the first time only works 1x per year. So you're on your own for any follow-up or new emergency treatments.
I saw the same doc and had the tests done to show everything seemed good and in place, except for the fact the arm kills and I can't move it. Dr thinks it is a 'frozen shoulder' which they will treat with Steroid injections and some new rehab back in Kosovo. There is no exact set plan, treatment or recovery for this so it is a bit disconcerting that 5 days after the shot things hurt about the same as before. I will just pray over time and repetitive treatments that it will heal. Meanwhile I'm trying to let myself exercise if it does not hurt. Since it is a joint rather than a muscle issue, the phrase no pain no gain doesn't apply.
Fortunately I had 2 extra hours before my return flight so I was able to accomplish the one other thing I could only do in Europe...buy a real pair of replacement sunglasses. Unfortunately my nice ones disappeared last week and there is no where in Kosovo you can buy real glasses. After stopping into 2 shops I found an almost identical pair of Ray Bans that I had lost, except these were about $30 more and NOT polarized. Vienna is not cheap. And once I made it to the airport I was able to enjoy the only benefit to my overpriced business class ticket: free food and drinks in the business class lounge. It had me nice and relaxed and full before I had to enter the chaotic waiting area for the Kosovo flight. So funny since it was 70% full of kids and just the chaos we have become used to with Albanians. It was the only gate that looked like a free for all vs. all the other civilized European flights. Apparently almost every flight into Pristina for the rest of the summer is full as all the Diaspora are returning to spend time with family over the summer break.
And with Wed off for the 4th, it was a relatively uneventful week. Friday night was a top rate unique experience for Pristina. A business colleague of mine owns a local advertising agency and they had a huge party to celebrate the opening of their new office (incedible 5 story house atop the diplomatic hill looking over the entire city. It was fully catered by a top restaurant, he had hired models and local TV broadcasters to show the guests around the office and just allow us to apprectiate the beauty of the entire scene:-) And as if this wasn't enough he had also rented out the new large club in Pristina with open bar and over 5 different musical acts for entertainment. This night could have been anywhere in New York or London--but Pristina??? Not bad.
With no plans on Saturday, another wonderful adventure unfolded at the last minute. A friend was driving north to the large mixed ethnic city of Mitrovice where all the Serbs live on the north side of the river, including one of my staff. So I reached him last minute and he invited me to hang with the family for the day. So after I was dropped at the infamous bridge to walk across, he met me with his new Italian motorcycle and we cruised off to spend the afternoon at their country home playing with his girls, having a beer and enjoying the wonderful lunch his wife prepared. Before long we were off on the bike to cruise the countryside to a beautifully remote Monastery from the 13th century, took some of the gravel roads winding through small villages and ended up atop an old dormant volcano that has the remains of a 14th century castle. Absolutely stunning views of the city below and the abandoned Trepshaw mine and contaminated waste fields. So sad to see what has become of Europe's largest mining operation during Tito's time. Apparently it employed up to 25,000 people at one time. Imagine the impact of it's closure on the local economy.
With a full day of local adventure, it was time to have my first public bus ride experience to make it back to Pristina. Piece of cake. Walked back over the bridge, paid $2.00 and an hour later was back in the city for a low key DVD night and home-made Tofu stirfry. Sad to say but being a homebody is as much fun as hitting the smoky bars, on certain occasions.
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