Nothing like another protest to force you to grab a knapsack and head for the mountains. The self-determination movement here in Kosovo staged another (peaceful) protest to condemn the accidental killing of protesters several weeks ago and in general the Status proposal documents being sent to the UN Security Council. So in anticipation of the shit potentially hitting the fan the UN gave all their employees a 3 day weekend hoping they would leave town. For the rest of us we had security warnings to stay out of downtown for most the day. So we did, but spent it up in the mountains instead.

My Swiss neighbor and I drove a little over an hour towards Serbia pulling off the main road to take a beautiful winding road 25 km up a mountain range to the treeless hilltops surrounding some very small and quaint villages and farms. The weather was perfect. Almost summer temperatures with a wonderful clean breeze coming down from the hilltops. Since we weren't exactly sure where to go and of course have no maps to guide us, we just pulled over on the side of the road and started up an old dirt track that quickly wound its way into some snow banks that had been sheltered from the teasing sun. No sounds but the wind, no people but ourselves and no pollution but the trash strewn about the road dumped their by clueless locals (we have figure they must not mind the way it looks because they can't be daft enough to think someone else will pick it up).

(click on photo for full panoramic)
The fortunate thing about these hills is you can pretty much see exactly where you want to go and even if there is not a trail to lead you there, you can just traverse across the hills knowing you will eventually end up exactly where you want to be. Which is what we did. Had some fun trying to climb over and through various tree limb piles left behind from apparent illegal logging operations but several nice steams and some fresh wildflowers already braving the all to early Spring. Only for a moment did we actually freak out when we wondered (not completely seriously since we had been told it was ok) if there were any mines left in the area. We just said a prayer and continued on our beautiful way.
Several hours later back at the car traversing down the mountain we came across a small but refreshing waterfall. Perfect spot for picnickers and can only image how packed it must be with locals during the summer months cooling down. Before heading back to the city we traversed the northern valley to have a wonderful outdoor lunch in Mitrovice at a fish farm owned by one of my projects clients. We had a perfect view of the towns foothills and thoroughly enjoyed our cold beers and fresh fish. Not too bad all in a days events.
Sunday was a bit less eventful but went the dog shelter with some friends to walk the homeless animals up into the hills and let them run and play about. I have been 'shopping' around to
potentially adopt one but am taking my time to really think through whether I could properly care of one. In the meanwhile we bring the shelter food and try to help the unfunded operation take care of the 50 or so dogs. It's nice to be around so many people out here with big hearts!!
1 comment:
Great photos - love the mountain view using the stiching feature! Looks so cool, such a great day to take a hike - beautiful country.
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