Forward March, About Face, Cut CakeI guess now I have officially been inducted into the bizarre cross-world where US military meets UN meets civilians. Last weekend I joined

several of my American friends (3 ladies) as their escort to the second annual Kosovo Marine Ball. It reminded me a bit of a high school prom in the sense that it was anticipated for awhile since it is one of the rare official social occasions and everyone put on their best dress, uniform, tux (or suit) in my case. Difference being that even with open bar, a majority of the men in uniform could not drink since they are technically on active duty. At least most the firearms were checked at the door at the restaurant which was located out in the countryside with well secured check-points, car bomb inspections and a security detail of about 50 men. Once inside we were still subtly reminded that we were in Kosovo as the power cut off several times momentarily and once seated at the tables we still had to make our way to the bar to get our own drinks instead of relying on the wait staff.
Before the meal could be served we listened to a good half hour of official speeches from various

officers and Marines congratulating one another, paying their honor and respects, presenting the flags, singing the National Anthem and most entertaining watching the honor guards carry a huge flag sheet-cake to the end of the room where they officially called out maneuvers to cut the cake with a sword and serve a couple pieces to the highest ranking General and the guest of honor. We did get a good laugh as they introduced the young Marines that were there serving at the American Office of Pristina, all whose birthdays were in the early to mid 80's.

Finally with formalities out of the way we dove into a fairly nice dinner with plenty of gossip going around commenting on some of the outrageous make-up and dress selections from a number of the local women. Eventually, I was able to steal away and hang out with about 6 lovely ladies I know from playing ultimate Frisbee out here. Fortunately, they are all a ton of fun and love to dance. Aside from some questionable DJing, one of the Marines finally grabbed control of the mic and rapped the rest of the night away. All and all, a good night at the Prom...
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