We had a great weekend staying out in the Etno Village outside of Pristina participating in Kosovo's first yoga festival. The compound was designed of traditional village grounds and structures where we taught classes, workshops, talks, dance, therapy sessions, home cooked vegetarian cuisine and had a great community of about 100 locals and internationals. There were 8 teachers from Kosovo that shared our style and practices with old and new students alike. As you can see we had the kids with us and Adi's teacher last year from ILG ran the kids program with them playing and running around both days. Adi even joined me for a meditation session along with pulling his mat next to mine during another teachers class and tried some poses and asked me what yoga was. A great start for maybe integrating this into his life some day.
Unfortunately is seems as if winter is arriving early so it was already hat and gloves into the evening and early morning but the sun came out during the day in full force. But the evening sky was a wonderful classroom for us to be reminded of the beauty and closeness we are to nature but so often forget to take it in. So we spent the night in one of the very basic unheated rooms with us all in our new sleeping bags trying to stay warm. A fun 'first' that we hope to replicate more during the summer days.