Well, after 2 days of marinating and a total of 8 other dishes, it all turned out perfectly. Except I was too tired to actually taste much of the meal. Thank God for left-overs though. So we started with a 12lb. bird, a juicy onion and celery marinade in the bag with stuffing, a spiced home-made cranberry sauce, garlic roasted mashed potatoes, home-made gravy, a green bean and carrot salad, crescent roles, flija (Kosovar pie-like dish), and fresh apple crisp pie. Ummmm.
We had Pranvera's close friends from NY stay with us for a couple nights and her Kosovar family friends also joined us as well. Adi had a 3 year old playmate and we were able to eat in peace. Very nice. Wonderful company, smells, and warmth on this unseasonally warm holiday.

We also got out and about and took Adi to see the train exhibit at the Botanical Gardens. He couldn't get enough of it.