But while they are away I took advantage of heading to rural VA and enjoyed a full weekend of yoga and meditation at the LOTUS shrine. Very remarkable and spiritual space.
Dorm facility on the grounds with my lodging.
The meditation and dining facility.
The final evening group Kirtan for singing and chanting among the swami's and others studying yoga teacher training.
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Mom and Jeta in Taukbashqe
Adrain during his first visit to an amusement park
Adrian driving a car with his cousin Roksana
His favorite ride the chugh chugh..... and our life is a continoues search for chugh chugh's
We are all doing great in Pristina. Adi is just about to finish up 1st grade and still loves his school. Very active in sports now but enjoys art and board games (oh of course legos). Rea's school is incredible with so much experiential learning and she is completely bi-lingual already. Always trying to follow her bother and talking about going with him on the bus so we think after 1 more year they will join up. Pranvera's project is making great headway with it's daily political changes and politics within the US government (don't we all know). I have been blessed with back to back client work and simultaneous projects with 2 now in Kosovo (and possibly a third win coming). I will be off to Thailand for a 3 week partnership this summer so make sure to prioritize the kids and family when I am in town.
We should be getting a couple American visitors this summer passing through our neck of the woods and we would love to show anyone else our little place in paradise;-)
Welcome to the interactive version of the Dirthead Diaries. For those of you new to the DH Diaries, they began back in 1998 during my one year of traveling throughout Southeast Asia. Back then they were rather lengthy, yet entertaining, email accounts of my trials and tribulations from living the life of a backpacker. Since then, anytime I have lived or traveled overseas for a sustained period of time (ie France, Jordan), I have continued the tradition of updating my friends and family on life abroad via the internet. My two year assignment working on a private sector economic development project based in Pristina, Kosovo saw the Dirthead Diaries go blog to record all the adventures. Who would have thought it would have launched me on the greatest adventure of all marrying the love of my life, Pranvera, and moving back to the States to start our family with Adrian Samuel arriving around Christmas time, 2009. We hope you enjoy this interactive journal of our lives designed to share what is going on with the Kirkbride family with all our friends and family spread far and wide across the world.