Christmas Day feast was down in Santa Monica at the famous Lowe Hotel on the beach. Unfortunately a strong rain kept us inside from a post meal walk near the ocean. But with all the colors, smells, great food and warmth we enjoyed it immensely.
And no trip to LA is complete without a stop in Beverly Hills.
Or a visit was an old college friend and his family who stopped by a holiday happy hour my sister and I hosted. Loved seeing and meeting the entire Benedict clan!
Believe it or not we even got out for a morning desert hike before the rains rolled in 'forcing' us inside for a long afternoon nap in our King bed.
And even hit the town for dinner.

Back in LA we still got out for local hikes in the canyons near my sisters. In the heart of Hollywood.
Just hanging out in the apartment.

We spent another sunny day down in Venice Beach walking the canals and headed out to the ocean for a long walk and nice brunch.