Well, as much as we needed an end of summer vacation, we feel like we need another one now that we have returned. The 10 hour drive was a fun adventure for the entire family with the added twist of Adrian developing a very unexplained throw-up that turned out to be a serious stomach virus that occupied the first half of the vacation. Without becoming too graphic, he wouldn't keep any food or liquid in him, developed a fever and had us keeping him inside from the heat and any real activity since he lost weight and all his strength. Funny thing was he seemed in good spirits except for one night where his fever spiked and smiled and played his way through 4 days of hell for mom and dad. Luckily we had the support and assistance of Auntie Stacey and Grandpa Roger. Unfortunately as he broke through a recovery, we had to drive Pranvera to the airport (Wed) so she could fly back to DC and work non-stop for the rest of the week on a proposal for work.

But despite this set-back we did get out and about to try and maximize the wonderful resort we stayed at, enjoyed a bit of the beautiful beach and pool, warm water and weather and sampled the local seafood fare. Adrian even had his first couple of bike rides in the trailer we rented with the beach cruiser.